Thursday, September 18, 2014

Postcoital Comfort

They lay together quietly

Breathing rapidly, resting

Nested against each other

Legs entwined

Kisses interspersed with silence

Then easy conversation

As droplets of perspiration fall and dry


More kisses

A sheet pulled over their legs

Fighting off a chill

Words of love shared

More kisses to seal their private moment

Of perfect postcoital comfort


GoodWill said...

Beautiful words depicting a beautiful moment. Love this.

lust for love said...

that's the perfect one, some guys just roll over and sleep after the action!

Naughty Kitty said...

Very nice Kat...generally I am the one who just turns over and falls asleep ;)

Mike said...

nicely written...excellent description.

Kat said...

Kitty and lust for love-- What's up with that? Sleeping after prevents the possibility of going again soon. ;-)

Goodwill and Mike - Thank you very much. You're sweet. I'm glad you liked it. :-)

~McKPR said...

moments i look forward to with him, brief as they are before we jump in the shower before he takes his leave...*sigh*