Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Break is Over

I'm surprised any of you are still here, Prowlers. I've been gone way too long.


Many reasons.  Work. A touch of depression. Lack of action. And just generally nothing to say.

But then someone pointed out to me that the news alone is a treasure trove of ideas.  Anthony Weiner is just the start, and yes, I do have a few things to say about Mr. Weiner and his lovely wife.

That will come later. To catch you up on what I've been doing.....

I'm still in touch Mr. SNS Guy.  Yes, he's wonderful and yes, he still lives across the country so no, I haven't been getting any sex with him.

I've been in full summer mode with my boys at home. That means camping. I'm not the fan of camping that I used to be when I was younger.  I would much prefer stay in the nearest four star hotel and then use the day use facilities at the national parks to enjoy the great outdoors. However, my youngest is a member of a certain youth organization that encourages camping and outdoor exploration, so he and I have learned together how to pitch a tent, start a fire, cook over a fire, etc.  It may impress you that I am now quite skilled at five different ways to light a fire without the use of a match (or lighter). I also know several different ways to make s'mores.

We'll be camping again this weekend with that youth organization I just mentioned, and there will be plenty of young dads there (young = 30-45). That means I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get some camping sex. It's unlikely, but hope is all I have right now.

So, instead of making excuses for the last couple of months, I'm simply going to say I was on summer break.  School is just about back in session, so I'm back, too.

For you, Prowlers, it's back to PWK school.  Naughty Kat still has a thing or two to teach you.


GoodWill said...

Oh I don't doubt that you have much to teach...and I'm eager for a lesson!

Welcome back Ms. Kat!

Advizor54 said...

I am a dad in said camping organization and I would LOVE to have you help me pitch a tent. (Hey, someone had to say it.)

:-) Glad we'll be hearing from you more often. And don't feel bad, we all need a summer vacation once in a while.

Lust for Love said...

Not to worry too much about having nothing to say when you should be spending more time with your loved ones.

Enjoy everything when it's warm and bright out there.

It's ok to give sex a break!

Lola said...

Welcome back Kat!

Kat said...

Lust for Love and Lola - Thank you! Feels good to be back.

Advizor -Why am I not surprised that you would make a camping-related sexual innuendo?

Since you're in that same organization, what's the deal with reveille at 6 or 7 even on a Saturday or Sunday? IT's uncivilized, I say! LOL

GoodWill - (batting my eyelashes) Hi there, Handsome.