Sunday, August 17, 2014

Use Your Teeth


lust for love said...

wish I can !

~McKPR said...


Kat said...

Something funny happened today because of this post. Do you know about those automated "newspapers" on Twitter? For those of you who don't, a person opens a account and sets up the keywords and sections for their online paper. Then each day, the system scans their Twitter feed for blog and Twitter posts that use the same keywords. They are assembled in a daily online newspaper, and the assumption is that your followers are interested in the things you are if they use the same newsletter.

Well, PWK ended up on a dentist's daily today because of the keyword "teeth." LOL. Seriously, right in the middle of all the articles on taking care of your teeth and proper gum care is this little comic and a direct link back to PWK. That should be interesting for some of the dentist's clients, don't you think? ;-)

~McKPR said...

brilliant! i'm betting 3 out of 4 dentist's prefer PWK :)