Monday, July 28, 2014


You may not know this, but I love playing Words with Friends. I play with several people, most of them friends in my everyday life, although JJ and I have been playing for years, too.

Well, the other day I was playing with a guy I know locally who is happily married and completely unaware of PWK and the world of Kat.

I played the word 'orgasmic,' and it made me chuckle as I hit "SEND." About 10 seconds later, my phone pinged.  It was a message from him, sent through the app.  It read, "Orgasmic? Really?!  For 69 points?  How did you do that?"

My answer was, "It's a gift. ;-)"

Here's a screen shot:

Yes, you read it right.  That's 69 points. Life is delightful sometimes, isn't it?

The fun part is I know this could have been the first step in a seduction process, but I didn't set the hook. I let him swim away, confused and impressed. I can tell you this, though.  Since then he has played much faster and more often than he ever has before. Some fish just want to be caught.


Simplicity said...

That is awesome!! I love it when things happen just like that!

lust for love said...

hope you will catch more fish in the future !

lust for love said...


Max said...

Brainy and flirty at the same time. Perfect. :-)

Kat said...

Max - Yes. Yes I am. ;-)

lust for love - It's what I live for!

Simplicity - I love it, too. Moments like that are just delicious, aren't they?