Monday, February 13, 2012

Marriage in the Bedroom

There are thousands of blogs out there.  Some are good, and some are not so good. Every now and then I come across a new one that catches my attention.  Marriage in the Bedroom (by Ponyboy) is one of those.

Marriage in the Bedroom is not a sex blog, but sex is a frequent topic.  It is not an infidelity blog, either, but it discusses infidelity.  Okay, I can hear you now, "Kat, if it's not a sex blog or an infidelity blog, why are you recommending it?" That's a fair question.

It's about the marital relationship, and the issues and struggles that married couples face - including sex.  It's well written and it's written by a man who is clearly living day to day in the marital trenches like most of us are.

My favorite posts so far:

A Good Wife is Not Defined by How Much She Puts Out - This is the post that first got my attention. When I read it, I saw a loving husband. What's not fabulous about that? But it's not all touchy feely hearts and smiles....

How Not to Be a Pussy - This post has five great tips on how to be a man in your marriage. Memorize them, guys.

Take Responsibility for Your Sex Life - Suggestions that the author (Ponyboy) read on another blog that have worked for him.

Alpha - Beta Balance - If you read the male "game" blogs, you read a lot about alpha, alpha, alpha, but these guys just don't get that it's not all about being Alpha. There's a time and place for it, of course, but all alpha and no beta makes a guy who has sex with his hand more than with any woman.  Ponyboy gets it.

Brain and Cock Are Not Connected, Brain and Pussy Are - This has to be one of my favorite blog post titles of all time. And it's true.

Some really good blogs have been shut down recently.  While those favorites can never be replaced, it's nice to know that we can turn to some new talent to help us fill the void.


Oh!  While you're reading Marriage in the Bedroom, don't forget to comment, follow, etc.  Introduce yourself and make yourself at home. :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kat. You are too kind.

fleur.d.laura said...

thanks Kat...I love a good read

Anonymous said...

It seems Ponyboy took his blog down. I’m interested, when you say he discussed infidelity, is it in the context of him cheating?