Thursday, November 21, 2013

Warning Label

I should come with a warning label. No, several warning labels.

WARNING: Slippery when wet (of course!)

WARNING: Hungry pussy

WARNING: Preys on unsuspecting men

WARNING: Smarter than she looks

WARNING: Steals hearts

WARNING: Bores easily

WARNING:  Cougar hunting grounds

WARNING: Not suitable for men with heart conditions

WARNING: Prefers sex over sleep

WARNING: Dangerous curves

WARNING: Orally fixated

WARNING: Always wants more

WARNING: Will do anything for love


Max said...

Of course all those warnings are actually enticements for some.... :-)

luvinfunnc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kat said...

Jack - Very, very good! :-)

Max - That's the point, right?

luvinfuncc -Exactly. I always have more fun when it's dangerous. LOL

Advizor54 said...

You forgot my favorite sign, "YIELD" !!!

Kat said...

Advizor - But I don't want to yield. I hate yield. I much prefer GO! DRIVE! CONQUER! Not as warnings, of course, but as commands.

Anonymous said...

...and don't forget...

(Jack in SD)

Kat said...

Jack in SD- Very nice...and so true. ;-)

Shoot me an email - is that SD San Diego or SD South Dakota?

GoodWill said...

I'd add

Extremely insightful.
Will Not Hold Back
Dangerously addictive


Kat May Bite (if you're lucky)

Unknown said...

I'd add: Do not operate heavy machinery. May cause sever horniness and increased sex drive

I stumbled across your blog several weeks ago, and thought that you were done with it. So Imagine my surprise and pleasure to know you're still going strong :)

JD in Chicago

Lust for Love said...

No need to be worried about those warnings! Just do it!